welp guys. i may be on or off. ima just spectate for now. if you want a response from me or are saying something to me just use " so i know your talking to me. because im getting a headache@Mix" - Mix

welp guys. i may be on or off. ima just spectate for now. if you want a response from me or are saying something to me just use " so i know your talking to me. because im getting a headache@Mix" -  Mix

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Description: Took around an hour or so~Dunno who the original owner was, the sprite didnt say it. \/(._.)\/

CREATOR ID: 00706a
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Sooo i forgot i made this. guess i made it and forgot bout it. well then. ima just show it and then prob just save it or somethin- Mix

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