ok i just got a random name off a random name genorator cause i could phisicly think of 1......it works i gues......odd name tho-Zobyrm(Deadtale)

ok i just got a random name off a random name genorator cause i could phisicly think of 1......it works i gues......odd name tho-Zobyrm(Deadtale)

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Description: Name:Zobyrm Au:Unknown HP:A Mear 30 DEF:0.0001,he can Hardly Defend Himself ATCK:1,he does'nt particuly like violence Attacks: not much to say,he can only use his fists as thats all he has,that and healing magic Stats You Will Gain For Killing: EXP:10 G:3 "He's shy,but he has a good heart" Red Eye's: "you've done somthing to trigger this,it's like he's not even himself anymore,and where'd that firebolt spell come from?i thought he only knew healing magic." HP:ERROR STATS NOT FOUND DEF:ERROR STATS NOT FOUND ATCK:ERROR STATS NOT FOUND Attack: Firebolt:cause a medium explotion,-10 HP Effect:Burning:3DPS For 5 Seconds Time Restes If Hit By The Firebolt Again Spectral dagger:Summons a spectral dagger for him to wield:20 Damage Flame Beam:Shoots A Beam Of Fire:1DPS you'r in it Effect:Burning 1DPS For 3 Seconds,Timer Restets When Hit By The Beam Again

CREATOR ID: c8f933
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Undertale Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator