Last message on PAM for Chris: Don`t worry, he`ll still be alive because the Nightmare liquid corrupted him. I was using that as a back-up just in case. But for right now he`s MIA, which is why he was wandering around so much and getting lost. All a set-up for me to take a break. For further stuff though, the Padlet can be used.

Last message on PAM for Chris: Don`t worry, he`ll still be alive because the Nightmare liquid corrupted him. I was using that as a back-up just in case. But for right now he`s MIA, which is why he was wandering around so much and getting lost. All a set-up for me to take a break. For further stuff though, the Padlet can be used.

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Description: HP: 0 | DEF: 0 | ATK: 999 | He won't fight you unless you trigger him to. | By Boarderline263

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Zombie Boarder

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator