who is this this sans?i got the looks,you get everything else.

who is this this sans?i got the looks,you get everything else.

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Description: this sans took the form of several villain sans',including murder,dust,horror,nightmare,and a few others,then combined their looks,and ability's together.he wears his brothers scarf because he had forgotten all about his world.now that he has seen others fight for good and evil,he must decide where his loyalty goes to.fight for good,so no one else loses their world,or fight for evil because he definitely looks the part?mostly because i cant decide,so i am going to let you choose!is he good,or bad?hero or villain?powerful,or weak?why did he lose his memory?this sans will be me picking the best back story's,or a mix of different backstory's,that you guys come up with!so go crazy in the comments!and better yet,what shall his name be?ill be selecting names pretty much when i see one i like,or one that fits him.plus ill be trying my best to say who i got the name/backstory from.

CREATOR ID: cde35d
VIEWS: 137
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: sasss

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AI Painting Generator