Withered Bonnie Emotions

Withered Bonnie Emotions

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Description: 1: Normal 2: Happy 3: *Golden Freddy T-Posing in Parts & Service* Bonnie: Im scared- 4: Bonnie: Haha, very funny Foxy, now give me back my bowtie. Foxy: No. Bonnie: ... 5: Foxy: *Running away with Bonnie's bowtie and right arm* Bonnie: FOXY YOU SON OF B- 6: Bonnie: Did Chica just flirt with me- 7 (continued from 3): *T-Posing Golden Freddy moving closer to Bonnie* Bonnie: AAAAAAAAAAA- 8: Bonnie: HeyA FreEdY, h- *hic* h0w yah doIn? Freddy: Wtf Bonnie- how did you even get drunk? Your a fricking robot. 9: Bonnie: *throwing up in toilet somehow* Foxy: You good bro? Bonnie: n o . . . Bonnie: I just witnessed Toy Bonnie and Toy chi- Foxy: Oh. 10: Bonnie: Heh, thanks chica! (Btw I ship T. Bonnie with T. Chica) (I also ship W. Bonnie with W. Chica) (Plez dont get mad at me for shipping them :<) Alright, see ya. - BlueBoy98YT (im on youtube but i dont make videos)

CREATOR ID: ee9605
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: withered bonnie

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