((Yes)) Build up Our Machine You die tonight Tonight Build up Our Machine You die tonight So you found all the pieces To initiate the pain Our venom stains The night remains But the ending is always just the same No gain Nod your head to the beat of death As you draw your last eternal breath Sensations Of an invasion Start to course right through our veins You say have no brains We're just cartoons for your portrayal To tell some tale about a boat and sail But sure this inevitably unveils the fail Splashes of eternal hate Will flood the floor and clean your slate Now we're the tools and you're the fool Our nightmare dominates -Foxlya

((Yes)) Build up Our Machine You die tonight Tonight Build up Our Machine You die tonight So you found all the pieces To initiate the pain Our venom stains The night remains But the ending is always just the same No gain Nod your head to the beat of death As you draw your last eternal breath Sensations Of an invasion Start to course right through our veins You say have no brains We're just cartoons for your portrayal To tell some tale about a boat and sail But sure this inevitably unveils the fail Splashes of eternal hate Will flood the floor and clean your slate Now we're the tools and you're the fool Our nightmare dominates -Foxlya

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Description: Revamped Foxlya by Void Do not use without permission! This took ALL DAYY

CREATOR ID: bffa91
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *She likes the hairdryer* -Foxlya

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