I was faked so many times in the past i started putting it in my DESC but now that im back really i shouldnt say or it will happen but you should know what i mean anyway im gonna just leave to deal with my own stuff till all this blows over as its not good

I was faked so many times in the past i started putting it in my DESC but now that im back really i shouldnt say or it will happen but you should know what i mean anyway im gonna just leave to deal with my own stuff till all this blows over as its not good

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Description: It be W00d | Hp: 500 | Def: 75,000 | Spd: 875 | Atk: 45 | Smells like bones and freshly cut wood | A old pixel hero

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Well im gonna leave, for now

AI Pixel Art Generator
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