Just cuz you can say whatever you want doesn`t mean you should...Yikes, sounds like a hypocrite over here. You call that guy a lowlife when you don`t even have the common decency to...I dunno, stop and think about what you`re saying before it comes and bites you in the ass since you`re being extremely petty over one single guy you could easily ignore? I dunno man. I wonder why people DO call you annoying. -BD

Just cuz you can say whatever you want doesn`t mean you should...Yikes, sounds like a hypocrite over here. You call that guy a lowlife when you don`t even have the common decency to...I dunno, stop and think about what you`re saying  before it comes and bites you in the ass since you`re being extremely petty over one single guy you could easily ignore? I dunno man. I wonder why people DO call you annoying. -BD

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Description: Name: Meg | Created by Atari, recolored and used by Sayori. STEALING IS NOT ALLOWED | "I 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 like guys." (DON'T LOOK UP REGGIE THE MOUSE)

CREATOR ID: 45a4d0
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Y'know I didn't fucking ask so it would be real nice if you could back the fuck off.

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