-He quickly spun around, slapping Choatic, to the ground he then just bashed his skull in with over 2,000 bones... Then with black claws from basically hell, jsut bash the body around more and more and throws it away- I got no time for this...

-He quickly spun around, slapping Choatic, to the ground he then just bashed his skull in with over 2,000 bones... Then with black claws from basically hell, jsut bash the body around more and more and throws it away- I got no time for this...

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Description: -Terrie | Redrew [One of]: https://www.deviantart.com/picnickingdom/art/Me-and-my-debt-collectors-ocs-793849454 | Duncan - AU: CCT!ArraTale | HP: 750 - DEF: 95,000 - SPD: 800 - ATK: 5 | He`s very creepy, for no reason... He oddly loves to do self harm without managing to actually "hurt" himself, doing it... | His vision is heavily limited and he acts very scary for no reason... His voice is monochrome yet also monotone and it doesn't change pitch or tune... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuVh2O8o3Ww

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Palette update and save...

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