...Kay, i think i got it; it all started when i unknowingly became a furry when i was little. i thought animals were cool! and i loved foxes, so i made the first iteration of Finx.. "Foxen..." i know it sounds bad, but i didnt think so at the time. Foxen was a Male Fox with a metal tail.

...Kay, i think i got it; it all started when i unknowingly became a furry when i was little. i thought animals were cool! and i loved foxes, so i made the first iteration of Finx.. "Foxen..." i know it sounds bad, but i didnt think so at the time. Foxen was a Male Fox with a metal tail.

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Description: {Drawn and Used by Finx, Character is from the Game Trilogy: "Purrfect Apawcalypse"} Olive Higgins: Lv- 0 Hp- 100 Atk- 0.1 Def- 3. A High school dog who wants to make as many friends as possible. They truly love and care about everyone, when they are wronged, they're more disappointed than angry. That being said, they aren't afraid to throw a punch if it means "showing a big meanie who's boss". Though their punches are as soft as pillows, the fact that a pure puppy like Olive even attempted physical violence speaks volumes about the perpetrator. However, if they are ever in trouble, they have weapons and tools to protect themself from their friends! Themes: Passive- https://youtu.be/wi-xQB0SN8I Active- https://youtu.be/rv6dPA02Ju8 Battle- https://tinyurl.com/yefqzqwf

CREATOR ID: 379d08
AGE: 2 years old

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