betty, you fuckin. weird dark sans, your bullshit 12 year old god-modding asses are starting to piss me off to an extent you will never understand. just learn how the FUCK to roleplay for once. combatting "attack misses" with "attack cant be dodged" only to be met with "attack misses" is kinda BULLSHIT, yknow? its kinda fuckin stupid. do a casual roleplay where this shit CANT HAPPEN, i guarantee its more fun. have a battle rp with defined abilities and fair RNG (or consenting to certain consequences) instead of "aHaHa DoDgE xD" you fuckin dumbasses.

betty, you fuckin. weird dark sans, your bullshit 12 year old god-modding asses are starting to piss me off to an extent you will never understand. just learn how the FUCK to roleplay for once. combatting "attack misses" with "attack cant be dodged" only to be met with "attack misses" is kinda BULLSHIT, yknow? its kinda fuckin stupid. do a casual roleplay where this shit CANT HAPPEN, i guarantee its more fun. have a battle rp with defined abilities and fair RNG (or consenting to certain consequences) instead of "aHaHa DoDgE xD" you fuckin dumbasses.

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Description: im going to fucking die

CREATOR ID: 55b2cc
AGE: 4 years old

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