Stop posting porn, go outside, and most importantly stop posting porn you basement dwelling rednecked fuckers.

Stop posting porn, go outside, and most importantly stop posting porn you basement dwelling rednecked fuckers.

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Description: A Painful Story Smol Stat Desc TERROR - Level: 67 - ATK: 1002 - DEF: 0 - HP: 0 as he is undead Weapons & Stuff: Terrorized Blasters, DT Bones, Perservance Bones. Axe Of Hell. Yea ik this is bad. A few years after the events of HorrorTale. Sans has had it with Undyne, so while Alphys is going but nut fucking crazy due to her being lobobtimzed By Sans. He finds the Fake DT, and uses it. This causes him severe wound but they are healed over, and later. He takes on Undyne killing her and taking her soul to get out of the underground, Papyrus was with Sans during his battle yet he was sadly killed. And with that Sans found the Perserverance to keep going. After he fled to the surface, a killing spree emerged he kept on murdering untill he started to feel this, self hatred and started to tear into his eyes he ripped out black goop after a while after the goop was torn from him, he quite literally vomited blood. So in an act of Panic, he shoved it back into his sockets. And so, he's now seen here and there, stalking a paticular Skeleton. For reasons many don't know.

CREATOR ID: 691fe2
VIEWS: 204
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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