(DONE) Rose The Nightmare Monster -SAL

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Description: Welp this to forever, I'm proud of the results though. ONTO THE STORY! Now the story is this; for thousands of years, creatures known as 'Nightmare Monsters' have been a horror story to tell around a campfire, while a lot of campfire stories are probably fake, this one is a true one. Rose is a nightmare monster herself, and for the recent years, she has been the one to talk about. Now these monsters are known to terrify, torture, and even murder, Rose is not one to take enjoyment out of it. Rose doesn't like to do any of the things regular nightmare monsters would do. Because of this, she now is followed by a shadow. You see, if nightmare monsters refuse to do these things, a shadow would start following them, what they do is make them slowly go insane. Each shadow has a mind of their own. Sometimes, shadows grow a liking towards the person they follow, Rose's Shadow is somewhat like that, he sometimes helps her, while other times, he tries to make her grow insane. One thing to say, it takes 10 human years for a nightmare monster to become one year older, the idea of Rose is that she's 10 years old (100 human years). Rose also has a nightmare form, but she doesn't like to use it.
CREATOR ID: | 9664c4 |
VIEWS: | 458 |
AGE: | 5 years old |