*The loom room was a mess, The window into T's room was blocked, Banners were everywhere, the looms were turned over. Noskt writes on a big whiteboard. It reads "Only you can give him some sense about this, but first, I would use the spider key to look in his room." Noskt taps the board to get your attention so that you read it.*

*The loom room was a mess, The window into T's room was blocked, Banners were everywhere, the looms were turned over. Noskt writes on a big whiteboard. It reads "Only you can give him some sense about this, but first, I would use the spider key to look in his room." Noskt taps the board to get your attention so that you read it.*

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Description: Noskt| Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCtOmOFTctM |

CREATOR ID: 05b0c1
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: (Save)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator