Loli, was just made up... A fabrication of my imagination and whatnot, cause I was too balled up in my own issues and whatnot and just needed "somebody" to be my wing``man``... And so yeah... Really Loli, got to do a hell of a lot more than Terrie, ever did..... Terrie`s, more of just a background/assist character, never really playing much of a big role...

Loli, was just made up... A fabrication of my imagination and whatnot, cause I was too balled up in my own issues and whatnot and just needed "somebody" to be my wing``man``... And so yeah... Really Loli, got to do a hell of a lot more than Terrie, ever did..... Terrie`s, more of just a background/assist character, never really playing much of a big role...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "[-Commits add a rage induced fire effect for those who dare touch my cornbread, as a joke-]

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