And Stellar, someone did make a discord for the roleplayers of PAM. I don't remember if you were in there, I know I was. And Allan, Orest, Boarder, Ins. Just to name a few. But it kinda fell to pieces after about a week. Not much actually roleplay happens there, we pretty much just scream at each other and give status reports of this place.

And Stellar, someone did make a discord for the roleplayers of PAM. I don't remember if you were in there, I know I was. And Allan, Orest, Boarder, Ins. Just to name a few. But it kinda fell to pieces after about a week. Not much actually roleplay happens there, we pretty much just scream at each other and give status reports of this place.

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Description: | Name: Chris Deadman | Age: 19 | Species: Human | LV: 1 | HP: 10 | ATK: 10 | DEF: 10 | Quiet, analytical, not very expressive, psychopathic? | Asexual, panromantic | Nothing special, really. But maybe he'll be worth something to someone. | \\Lovely base model made by the equally lovely Derp!\\

CREATOR ID: b8df55
AGE: 4 years old

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