*Hands Six A Bag Of Chocolate Chips* -Kade

*Hands Six A Bag Of Chocolate Chips* -Kade

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Description: Zoe: Age: 17 | Home: Stew Town, Pen Island | Gender: Male | Personalities: Neutral, Chill | Weight: 14.2 lbs | Height: 5’21” | Bob: Age: 20 | Home: Stew Town, Pen Island | Gender: Male | Personalities: Neutral | Weight: 18.5 lbs | Height: 5’38” | Fyre: Age: 17 | Home: Stew Town, Pen Island | Gender: Female | Personalities: Lively, Shy | Weight: 13.8 | Height: 5’17” | Powers: Fire, Sunny Day | Iyce: Age: 17 | Home: Stew Town, Pen Island | Gender: Female | Personalities: Teasy | Weight: 14.1 | Height: 5’16” | Powers: Ice, Hail | Kade The Protogen: Age: N/A | Home: Stew Town, Pen Island | Gender: Male | Personalities: Neutral, Chill | Weight: 15.4 lbs | Height: 5’87” | Chameleon: Age: 6 | Home: Brocolli Forest, Pen Island | Gender: Male | Personalities: N/A | Weight: 3.4 lbs | Height: 1’48” | Kool-Aid Man... I Just Put Him There. Anyways, All Sprites In This Sheet Were Made By Lebryan J. So Do Not Use Without Permission!

CREATOR ID: cb38c5
VIEWS: 111
AGE: 3 years old

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