To Rey. An okay poem by Bacon and Meowers.

To Rey. An okay poem by Bacon and Meowers.

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Description: It doesn't matter how big the wound, It doesn't matter if it's old or new, It doesn't matter if it's yours or mine, Anything can be healed with time. With some time spent together, And with some trust in between, We can shine bright during this dreary weather. We knew you were stressed, We gave you lots of trouble, We said some really bad things, Make it double. We want to make it up to you, That's all we want do. Not because so we can help stop your stress, Or to tie up some loose ends, But because we look out for each other, We support one another, We encourage one another. That's what friends do, right?

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 159
AGE: 7 years old

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