and my sister isnt fake -MOAU

and my sister isnt fake -MOAU

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Description: (redrew by Comical) (All credits to Yugogear) (Desc: Name: Amiko age: ?? magical ability: Shapeshifting and using her magical bow. Doesn't remember much after she woke up in pam. Attack: 10 def: 25 hp: 268 Status: Neutral (only attacks if attacked)

CREATOR ID: 450a4c
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: your the only one who holds a grudge right now so pls stahp its anoyying its always you even tho i thought we were friends and i truely miss you being my friend and no im not guilt tripping im just saying im sorry and i want just 1 more chance to prove im a good guy to you so please forgive me this one time i promise ill try to be good and not be a dick so please.....-MOAU

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