sure! and thanks rainbow, I wanted to make ruv for awhile and trace a pixelated version, but I made this myself! I'll be working on the sarv sprite, and you can have it once I'm done!) -Ruv (cleetus

sure! and thanks rainbow, I wanted to make ruv for awhile and trace a pixelated version, but I made this myself! I'll be working on the sarv sprite, and you can have it once I'm done!)  -Ruv (cleetus

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Description: MY VERY FIRST TIME I LOOK AT A NON-PIXELATED PHOTO AND MAKE IT ON PIXELARTMAKER. anyway, don't use without premission.

CREATOR ID: d76556
VIEWS: 286
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: -whispers- gimme ten. - Ruv (cleetus

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator