( proggress ) also note if your making a among us sprite make the outline 2layers wide and use this hex code to get the right color 3D3C3C and also if your doing a sprite sheet make it even like the main sprite on the top right and the sprite sheet emotions to the far left of the sprite but over an all good job -Tom

 ( proggress ) also note if your making a among us sprite make the outline 2layers wide and use this hex code to get the right color 3D3C3C and also if your doing a sprite sheet make it even like the main sprite on the top right and the sprite sheet emotions to the far left of the sprite but over an all good job -Tom

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Description: upgrading in proggress

CREATOR ID: 3fcaee
VIEWS: 257
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: life as a ghost sucks

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator