like this for example this technically isn't mine but in reality it is because 1. It was made in request of grim 2. I have credit in desc and everything (credit in desc) 3. this sprite was made in the story line of Bx and Anti-Bx so this sprite is all mine and isn't anyone elses-Bx

like this for example this technically isn't mine but in reality it is because 1. It was made in request of grim 2. I have credit in desc and everything (credit in desc) 3. this sprite was made in the story line of Bx and Anti-Bx so this sprite is all mine and isn't anyone elses-Bx

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Description: (Credit to Gim who is fuckin awesome.)

CREATOR ID: 48193a
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I cant tell you how happy I am Grim also save cuz I did expressions and stuff)-Bx

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator