My very name was made before I noticed I was, defective. Warframe, I am a frame made for war. But I cannot fight. Having an artifical soul is different for everyone. Emotions and magic are astonishingly close. It's always best to stay in sync with you emtions to be at your very best. If you are feeling troubled, it can make your magic weaker. If your magic is weaker it could get you killed. Yet, no matter how I feel, I am always just as strong as always. Sadness doesn't make me weaker, and anger doesnt make me stronger. I have no way of becoming stronger than I already am.

My very name was made before I noticed I was, defective. Warframe, I am a frame made for war. But I cannot fight. Having an artifical soul is different for everyone. Emotions and magic are astonishingly close. It's always best to stay in sync with you emtions to be at your very best. If you are feeling troubled, it can make your magic weaker. If your magic is weaker it could get you killed. Yet, no matter how I feel, I am always just as strong as always. Sadness doesn't make me weaker, and anger doesnt make me stronger. I have no way of becoming stronger than I already am.

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Description: Credit to by X R F S X for making the spite. I made the song.

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Im not, good at noticing things...

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