Mario, well is the guy who has been saying random shit, while Green kid, is just pissed off the whole time while, calling us hackers...

Mario, well is the guy who has been saying random shit, while Green kid, is just pissed off the whole time while, calling us hackers...

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Description: Terrie; Age: 23; Height: 6" 5'; Weight: 35 kg; A Dog with a feathered tail; He's also German; He`s gay; And taken... | Yes it's my OC Furry Fursona... |Anti-Copy: Goopi made this for me | Goopi: I hope you like it... it may look close to your normal character, but i tried really hard to get this... | [Terrie: ATK: 5 | DEF: 85,000 | SPD: 800 | LV: -15 | Comes from a realm of beings that are very OP, he loves to make friends rather than enemy`s!]

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Terrie [Classic eyes]+[The main palette, for making AU`s, for Terrie...]

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator