My German compatriots! Party comrades! I think it is something very special when a man can stand in front of his old followers after about 20 years without having to make any changes to his program in those 20 years. Today's meeting reminds us of the evening we celebrated 10 years ago in the former hall. It reminds us of that, because back then we were in a very tough fight. Our struggle for power in Germany was as decisive for our fate as the struggle we are waging today. Only in the past year did we become aware of this more success to anyone than us. At that time it was the Emperor's Germany. It is now Nazi Germany. The Reich has also changed here. And above all, they struggle with a different understanding: they know the fate that lies ahead if the other world should win. Because we know this fate and know it well, there is not the slightest thought of compromise. If the gentlemen say from time to time that there is another peace offering from us, they are only doing something to m

My German compatriots! Party comrades! I think it is something very special when a man can stand in front of his old followers after about 20 years without having to make any changes to his program in those 20 years. Today's meeting reminds us of the evening we celebrated 10 years ago in the former hall. It reminds us of that, because back then we were in a very tough fight. Our struggle for power in Germany was as decisive for our fate as the struggle we are waging today. Only in the past year did we become aware of this more success to anyone than us. At that time it was the Emperor's Germany. It is now Nazi Germany. The Reich has also changed here. And above all, they struggle with a different understanding: they know the fate that lies ahead if the other world should win. Because we know this fate and know it well, there is not the slightest thought of compromise. If the gentlemen say from time to time that there is another peace offering from us, they are only doing something to m

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Description: ITS PEPO!

CREATOR ID: 1a037c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: The king of pepos. Quadruple pixels. He has now been brought foward into existence

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