*Chris was still wandering the city, unsure what else to do. Now that he thought about it... he had been planning on waiting for someone. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, his heart sank at the idea that there'd be no point in waiting, whoever he was going to wait on would just... show up whenever he felt like. Just like the last two times. There for a moment and then gone. He shouldn't have let go yesterday...*

*Chris was still wandering the city, unsure what else to do. Now that he thought about it... he had been planning on waiting for someone. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, his heart sank at the idea that there'd be no point in waiting, whoever he was going to wait on would just... show up whenever he felt like. Just like the last two times. There for a moment and then gone. He shouldn't have let go yesterday...*

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Description: | Name: Chris Deadman | Age: 19 | Species: Human | LV: 25 | HP: 50/210 [150 normally, Terrie`s soul boosts it by 60; with full DETERMINATION, it gets boosted to 2100; if Chris dies, Terrie`s soul will break apart instead, saving Chris from truly dying] | ATK: 250 | DEF: 25764 (14 normally, Locket boosts it by 25000, Boarder's soul adds 100, Terrie`s soul adds 650) | Essence: Infinite | Quiet, analytical, not very expressive, confirmed psychopath | Asexual, panromantic | Ambient Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mCg9oGvVk0 | Analysis Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy_MFtTFhd8 | Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Muucyonpxo \\Lovely sprite made by the equally lovely Derp!\\

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Sorry to edit your sprite Chris, but I`ve noticed for a while that the sides of your head on the sprite weren`t symmetrical, so I made a small fix and did all of those on the sheet for ya. OCD Striked once more :P -BD

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