Why do you always say "Imagine" or "Wtf is/was that" but do not actually point out what you do not like about something? It is detrimental to the artist as, well, people have feelings and they never improve/fix the issue due to not knowing what the issue is. and it is detrimental to the critique because they never get to see the improved version. A proper critique would have been something more along the lines of "I don`t really like this because the colours are too bright" or "I just don`t like the way [insert body part here] is shaped." I keep zoning out due to lack of sleep, so I`m going to stop after this post.

Why do you always say "Imagine" or "Wtf is/was that" but do not actually point out what you do not like about something? It is detrimental to the artist as, well, people have feelings and they never improve/fix the issue due to not knowing what the issue is. and it is detrimental to the critique because they never get to see the improved version. A proper critique would have been something more along the lines of "I don`t really like this because the colours are too bright" or "I just don`t like the way [insert body part here] is shaped." I keep zoning out due to lack of sleep, so I`m going to stop after this post.

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Description: What's this piece for? What's it about? Feel free to include links.

CREATOR ID: 67b59a
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator