let me make this abundantly fucking clear for you, kid. I already fucking know people RP here. Hell, I RP HERE. So, if you want to assume shit about me, all because I`m saying that I`m not rping because our chat rn is a CHAT, then you should really think about your assumptions.

let me make this abundantly fucking clear for you, kid. I already fucking know people RP here. Hell, I RP HERE. So, if you want to assume shit about me, all because I`m saying that I`m not rping because our chat rn is a CHAT, then you should really think about your assumptions.

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Description: Sprite Made & Used by Anauxieus | Name: Aqua | Species: Siren | Age: 11 | Height: 4'7" | Weight: 30 lbs | Ambient Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGXPAoyP_cg | Lure, Battle Theme & Phase 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x-4QwJZu5A&t=4876s

CREATOR ID: a2471d
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Another Desc Update.

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