Oh yeah if you didn't know before the "OC" he is using was an edit of someone else's furry version of my old character which i didn't want him to use since it gives me memories and i usually get mad when someone references the old PAM and he is actually just using it to torment me so saying that me removing he's original sans as revenge is rude really just is disrespectful. :I

Oh yeah if you didn't know before the "OC" he is using was an edit of someone else's furry version of my old character which i didn't want him to use since it gives me memories and i usually get mad when someone references the old PAM and he is actually just using it to torment me so saying that me removing he's original sans as revenge is rude really just is disrespectful. :I

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CREATOR ID: 9bd9ef
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: And i think it's better i don't explain why i hate Terrie so much and it's best you don't ask Terrie either since he will obviously lie to suit him better but then again both of us will lie to suit us better so technically just don't ask us why.

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