Courtney Sable (Age 13)

Courtney Sable (Age 13)

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Description: A rambunctious young girl with a blunt and uncompromising attitude. While she has her heart in the right place, in practice she tends to be a real troublemaker in her attempts to do any reckless act that she deems to be fun. As a result of several instances of people getting in the way of that, she holds a particular disdain towards anyone who tries to tell her what to do. Having done all sorts of risky activities all throughout her childhood, Courtney is near fearless. She's gotten into a few fights in her time, all because she utterly refuses to back down in the face of a threat. Still, she is essentially stuck in the life of a city girl... but one fateful day will soon change that forever. Courtney also practices acrobatics in her spare time, and is secretly searching for a boyfriend as adventurous as she is.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 119
AGE: 8 years old

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