I little story for the little childs. (Jack o UnderPixel\0

I little story for the little childs. (Jack o UnderPixel\0

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Description: Hear with this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLJr49Ewomk So you want to hear a story no? HAAHAHAHA the fun just begins! So you want to hear the story: Darkness don't you? You: Y-yes pls So i will tell. When a small home Live Julia and his fathers Julia is a very rebel teen. She's just want everything! But his fathers ever do anything for his little child. Bu Julia is ever not satisfied she's want more and more. But one day his fathers don't have money anymore... Julia want a doll with hundred doloars his fathers recused. Julia cursed screamed with his fathers and say the word "MOTHERFUCKERS" And out of the home his wnat to go live in the home of his best friend but Julia was so ANGRY and don't see the way and go to cursed forest strange and creepy "Now hear with this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBhmAEziWlk So she's fall in a mount of grass and hit his head hard and fainted. She's wake up in a other place it was night and the forest get really weird in the night so she's triend to find the way out of the forest but that's is impossible she's hear creepy sounds coming to the sky and threes she's a very afraid but she's find a shadow very fast she's followe the shadow and econuter a old house it's was falling apart... so she's encounter with a guy he's has not feets and he's in backwards so she's says: Julia: Hey you! You know how to out of this forest? ????:You are cursed forever here. Julia: WHAT??!!! I WANT OUT! ????:No Julia you are trapped here like us with the DARKNESS (Julia was never found again) I HOPE YOU ENJOYED CHILDS.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 172
AGE: 7 years old
BASED ON: Jack o'underpixel

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