People DO love you, You just don't know it, during School today i realized that most girls like me and talk about me behind my back. I asked them what they were talking about and they all just gave me a smile and walked away, It wasn't awkward or anything. it was nice, Nice to know that some people care about me and enjoy doing things that I do, they weren't talking shit behind my back. they were complimenting me today, and that made me realize that some people in life are just too nervous to make the first move. -Spit

People DO love you, You just don't know it, during School today i realized that most girls like me and talk about me behind my back. I asked them what they were talking about and they all just gave me a smile and walked away, It wasn't awkward or anything. it was nice, Nice to know that some people care about me and enjoy doing things that I do, they weren't talking shit behind my back. they were complimenting me today, and that made me realize that some people in life are just too nervous to make the first move. -Spit

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Description: -Jase This little Gals name is Spit. Her Age is 18. From another planet (Cringe ik) ATK: 12, DEF: 10 HP: 25 Gender: Toaster (JK Female) Favorite Food: Bread Favorite Drink: Sand/Milk She has a lazy eye so don't make fun of her. She has a Brother named Sting. The Little string on her hat is a tracking device implanted by her parents. The suit she wears is laced with gunpower just incase. she has no teeth so she eats stuff with only her Tongue. Currently-Single Her eyes are missing so she has hollow holes with a tiny white speck in each one. Friends With Dave and Bandu. The hat isn't attached to her head, and she does have hair. Purple skin cause y'know, alien. Anyways, That's all i got, have a good Day/Night!~

CREATOR ID: f13f18
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Slap? Want a Slap? Little fuckin'? too bad. -Spit

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