I know all this about you bassiclly anyone can hide the truth from me i know the defination of "Anti-Friends"-From Anyone

I know all this about you bassiclly anyone can hide the truth from me i know the defination of "Anti-Friends"-From Anyone

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Description: I'll not tell who i'm talking about but it's starts with "W" It's not any of my followers it has discord i gonna tell something i see your messages to your friends and i saw your message I'M NOT STUPID i know what is lies i have 12 i'm not a adult and i already know that no? HAHAHAHAAH oh welp i'm here to tell you don't affect me anymore i'll reveal when you don't like a people you are like a friend i have u just make dat people fall i know these type i don't care your reason i'm here just to say what i feel: "U are a snake"

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 291
AGE: 6 years old

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