[They lead the two too a small clearing, where the sun hits the ground, there is a shack with tiny pike fences in a cirle around the front of it, there is a Training dummy made of leaves there too] "here it is.. not much for now, but when i Find my friend in the city, ill be able to get a treehouse!"

[They lead the two too a small clearing, where the sun hits the ground, there is a shack with tiny pike fences in a cirle around the front of it, there is a Training dummy made of leaves there too] "here it is.. not much for now, but when i Find my friend in the city, ill be able to get a treehouse!"

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Description: Theme (For now): https://youtu.be/aaQXQ2FXb6w Quilt- Atk: 1,120 Def: 900. A Sword & Bow master. Princess of a Kingdom around the same place Finx was born. they have a close friendship. They also prefer heavy/large weapons (3x their size), any weapon that isn't heavier than them lets them attack lightning fast.

CREATOR ID: a34ade
AGE: 3 years old

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