im making the pokemon emerald title screen for fish, but theyre not here and i dont have the hex codes for the background colors, so i been spectating for a while waiting for em. hows it look? -TomKat

im making the pokemon emerald title screen for fish, but theyre not here and i dont have the hex codes for the background colors, so i been spectating for a while waiting for em. hows it look?   -TomKat

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Description: OC name: TomKat | owned by TomKat | shading/beaning by Togz or Toggle | expressions by TomKat | Allan, please add details.

CREATOR ID: e0afec
VIEWS: 110
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: *sigh* and to think i almost made it a week without seeing porn or trolls on this site... -TomKat

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