Well Someone I Know Could Put Up More Of A Fight. And You May Be A Grim Reaper. But There Are Many Of Those. I Am An Only One. I Am The B L O O D Y R E A P E R. - Chimamire Karito Crimson [ 血まみれ 刈取 ]

Well Someone I Know Could Put Up More Of A Fight. And You May Be A Grim Reaper. But There Are Many Of Those. I Am An Only One. I Am The B L O O D Y R E A P E R. - Chimamire Karito Crimson [ 血まみれ 刈取 ]

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Description: Soul Color : Hate (Black) HP : 4000 LvL : !!!!! Atk : !!!!! MP : 10000 Height : 9 Feet 7 Inches Age : ??? Occupation : Bloody Reaper Underfire character. Judge's / Crim's Brother. Supposedly Dead.

CREATOR ID: 9739df
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Chimamire Karito Crimson [ 血まみれ 刈取 ]

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