Bad Times (Hard Mode My take): Sans, the *slacker?*

Bad Times (Hard Mode My take): Sans, the *slacker?*

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Description: M.. Hey.. kiddo.. "kiddo", I remember when that was relevant... now your just... a demon.. but.. you've been busy.. which gave me the chance to see an.. old friend of mine. Now look, im not trying to be mean or anything.... no no, I'm trying to kill you. cause when I do, instead of letting go of your soul... I'm going to take those other souls... and I'm gonna destroy the barrier... so.. get ready.. to have a GRIM TIME!!!!!

CREATOR ID: 2fbf6b
VIEWS: 107
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Undertale Sans and Undertale: Remodeled Sans sprite. (including overworld sprites)

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