Jero turn Gru into Terror, d o i t -Ash, with a Changed ID

Jero turn Gru into Terror, d o i t  -Ash, with a Changed ID

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Description: SwapHorror stuff and napstablook stuff and USLJ stuff (info coming soon) Papyrus: |DEF: 1|ATK: 2|HP: 10 Napstablook DEF: 30|ATK: 30|HP: None (She's a ghost) Info: Despite being an introvert she's got a decent social life. She isn't often seen chatting with others, most of the time you'd see her lying or floating? Listening to music. Although once you become friends, expect a couple hundred notifications comin through on you're phone. Attacks Of Choice: Acidic Tears, Headphones, More Tears. "NOT REALLY FEELING UP TO IT RIGHT NOW" Extra Info: She's quite sensitive, pretty weird sense of humor. Often blushing due to her lack of social interaction with others.

CREATOR ID: 1a2b81
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: -His eye flashes as he slams Terror into some bones- It's all for the greater good -he repeats himself- -Ash, with a Changed ID

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