you should never cause any violence for no reason jace, because you never know what someone is going trough and you'll just make them feel worse. what you just did was something called cyber bullying its where you bully someone on the internet. you should know by now what that is. but like i said,you should never cyber bully for no reason even if your just playing, because you never know what someone else is going trough. so please get that through your you don't have to apologize because i already forgive you.-oreo

you should never cause any violence for no reason jace, because you never know what someone is going trough and you'll just make them feel worse. what you just did was something called cyber bullying its where you bully someone on the internet. you should know by now what that is. but like i said,you should never cyber bully for no reason even if your just playing, because you never know what someone else is going trough. so please get that through your you don't have to apologize because i already forgive you.-oreo

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CREATOR ID: d47ea8
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: but thats my name- -oreo

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