Here's A Question For The People With ADHD What Level Of ADHD Do You Have? Because One Of My Brothers Has ADHD That Is "Severe" Level's Of It. His Emotions Are Boosted Quite A Bit And He Gets Distracted Easily. So MOS Probably Has Higher Levels Of ADHD. (I'm Not Taking Anyone's Side Here But I Am Making A Point) - Crimzøn

Here's A Question For The People With ADHD What Level Of ADHD Do You Have? Because One Of My Brothers Has ADHD That Is "Severe" Level's Of It. His Emotions Are Boosted Quite A Bit And He Gets Distracted Easily. So MOS Probably Has Higher Levels Of ADHD. (I'm Not Taking Anyone's Side Here But I Am Making A Point) - Crimzøn

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Description: Creator of A Lot of Sprites

CREATOR ID: 8f10b3
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Crimzøn

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator