(The letter is angry that it can't use a fancy font, but it said) Dear Terrie, I am writing this today on behalf of a previous event. I realized what I was doing was wrong and was also trying to rush something I wasn't even a part of. I furthermore hope that you forgive me for my pitiful actions, yet it is not required and I perfectly understand if you don't. I thank you for at least reading this and I wish for you to know I am truly sorry for what I have done. With Regards, Rei.

(The letter is angry that it can't use a fancy font, but it said) Dear Terrie, I am writing this today on behalf of a previous event. I realized what I was doing was wrong and was also trying to rush something I wasn't even a part of. I furthermore hope that you forgive me for my pitiful actions, yet it is not required and I perfectly understand if you don't. I thank you for at least reading this and I wish for you to know I am truly sorry for what I have done.                                                                        With Regards,                                                                              Rei.

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CREATOR ID: be82ba
AGE: 4 years old

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