Im ripping into your ass now child, go outside, touch some grass, and then come back the fuck inside to find your mother, D E A D, with your father drunk as fuck, then walk outside feeling like the shitty person you are, then put a pistol to your face and shoot yourself, im not holding back today, fucking kill yourself asshat.

Im ripping into your ass now child, go outside, touch some grass, and then come back the fuck inside to find your mother, D E A D, with your father drunk as fuck, then walk outside feeling like the shitty person you are, then put a pistol to your face and shoot yourself, im not holding back today, fucking kill yourself asshat.

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Description: Mona Henry: Joey: Ink Bendy: Sammy Lawrence: Jack Fain: "Buddy" Boris/Daniel Lewek: Alice "Susie Campbell" Angel": Norman Polk: Fisher: Striker: Piper: Bertram Piedmont: Allison "Pendle Conor" angel: Tom "Thomas Conor": Batim sprites Norman Polk made with help of Dst Brute Boris made with help of Dst

CREATOR ID: 97ede9
VIEWS: 174
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: fghhdf

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AI Painting Generator