A situation where mask is alive and the glitch happens again at the same time, is not good. What if you didnt even manage to kill flowey in time? Mask would easily control you again if you got infected. Thats why stopping him is more important than the glitch.

A situation where mask is alive and the glitch happens again at the same time, is not good. What if you didnt even manage to kill flowey in time? Mask would easily control you again if you got infected. Thats why stopping him is more important than the glitch.

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Description: th_E\me:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG_OSmWXnA4 lo_0re\: With each p_La_N, i would become your end result. I am no longer Dusk. I am no longer Fade. You did this to me. Our plan turned out the best for you. The w_Orst_ for m_e.

CREATOR ID: 0eb831
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: F?t?l St?rs

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