Lilly Ashberry Pixelated

Lilly Ashberry Pixelated

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Description: Lilly Ashberry is very simple in terms of her aspirations. She would be very happy to keep her quiet, rural lifestyle until the end of her days... but the kidnapping of her little brother forced her to venture into the Canterbury Desert, which she is entirely unfamiliar with. As is to be expected, Lilly is absolutely not the adventuring type. She is very naïve and unsure of herself, not to mention easy to scare to the point where she freezes up or runs away. Even still, she will always push herself to keep going, as she cares about her loved ones more than herself. Lilly is passive by nature, actively avoiding any conflict she can and being as kind and polite as she can be. She is also quite timid around unfamiliar people, but after some time has passed she will open up more by taking on a bright and optimistic persona. Lilly also exhibits remarkable patience and self-control, making it near impossible to get her genuinely angry or frustrated towards anyone other than herself. Most of all though, she is a goody-two-shoes. She wouldn't ever break rules, let alone laws (if she can help it), and holds nothing but the utmost respect towards law enforcement. In fact, she sees police officers as her role models, believing them to hold honor and bravery she can only wish to emulate. ...Despite her inexperience with adventuring though, she does have a few useful skills. For instance, she has surprisingly quick speed and reflexes, as well as high endurance. Also, she has a proper boy scout's repertoire of survival skills (how to build a fire, how to get food/water, first aid, etc.)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 281
AGE: 8 years old

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