* heh. heya. * you've been busy, huh? * ... welp, let's go to the point. * i hate you and you should be burning in hell. * but this is a happy moment, because... * y o u ' r e a l r e a d y d e a d , k i d d o .

* heh. heya. * you've been busy, huh? * ... welp, let's go to the point. * i hate you and you should be burning in hell. * but this is a happy moment, because... * y o u ' r e a l r e a d y d e a d , k i d d o .

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Description: Jim HP 10 ATK 100 DEF 250 - A Sans Ripoff, but hey now he has some kind of originality. Original sprite by UndertaleFanatic4 Redrawn by MLGAllan65 Oh and also edited by MLGAllan65 Sans: https://soundcloud.com/srcoelhopt/the_edgy_skeleton Megalo: https://soundcloud.com/sebastian-casapia/inevitable-v2-take-2 Hard Mode: https://soundcloud.com/der-zocker-291619842/underfell-extreme-mode-total-catastrophe

CREATOR ID: ffd451
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: what?

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator