Not being able to gain LV is a gift, and a curse. If your LV is too high you become distance to yourself, it becomes harder to love others, and to love ones that are close to you. Once your LV has hit a limit, you begin to not care anymore. Loves ones will become untrustworthy and lose meaning to you, it will be harder to accept others into your life. That is the gift... but the curse is, when you kill, it makes you stronger. As I've said already, I do not get stronger. If your LV is high, that will save you when nothing else will.

Not being able to gain LV is a gift, and a curse. If your LV is too high you become distance to yourself, it becomes harder to love others, and to love ones that are close to you. Once your LV has hit a limit, you begin to not care anymore. Loves ones will become untrustworthy and lose meaning to you, it will be harder to accept others into your life. That is the gift... but the curse is, when you kill, it makes you stronger. As I've said already, I do not get stronger. If your LV is high, that will save you when nothing else will.

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Description: Credit to by X R F S X for making the spite. I made the song.

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Im not, good at noticing things...

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