DeadTale Sans Sprite

DeadTale Sans Sprite

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Description: This is a au that i came up with. Basicaly everyone is already dead but sans surived regereting so many choices and acticons so he decided to take the Humans reset button but he has to kill you once to get the reset button and this time he really trys to fight. He met someone named ? ? ?????? and he experimented on sans but experiement goes wrong and sans woke up notices the 6 or 7 human souls and a determination vile so he decided to absorb the souls and determination which made sans very determined to kill you. He turned to lv 1 to lv 19 defence ????????????????????????????? atack ????????????????????????????????. If you die it is game over but just restart the game to go back. he can change your hp lv and items. note this is not a game so plz make one for me. Sans has 7000 hp and you do 1000 damege he falls asleep every 5 turns. This sans uses souls gaster blasters bones lasers manipulate gravity and knifes he can turn the soul yellow green red and blue and when it ends gaster comes and imediantly kills you with gaster blasters and it will say The End so geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet dunked on sans responce heya how is it like being powerless after 100000000000000000000000000 years later monsters are able to go back to the surface>

CREATOR ID: 482ce4
AGE: 4 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator