Dimmy how do we know you aren't APL trying to make an excuse to leave this site? Again, not trying to be rude but things can easily be hoaxed here. - Oliver

Dimmy how do we know you aren't APL trying to make an excuse to leave this site? Again, not trying to be rude but things can easily be hoaxed here. - Oliver

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Description: Please dont, youre hurting yourself and family more, stay close to anyone special to you. if you see this, and arent APL. share this and raise awairness. made a new one with a link to APL http://pixelartmaker.com/art/5f6c67a960c8bc5

CREATOR ID: d14112
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Wheres the proof for this? I don't want to seem rude, but things can easily be hoaxed on this site, including Karma's death, I need more info to make sure this isn't a hoax. - Oliver

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