No daddy! i wawnt uwu too stay awnd yiff me!

No daddy! i wawnt uwu too stay awnd yiff me!

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Description: Hi, phiw swift hewe fow fwex tape. The supew stwong watewpwoof tape thawt cawn instantwy patch, bond, seaw awnd wepaiw. Fwex tape iws no owdinawy tape. Iwt's twipwe thick adhesive viwtuawwy wewds itsewf tuwu the suwface, instantwy stopping the toughest weaks. Weaky pipes cawn cause majow damage, but fwex tape gwips own tight awnd bonds instantwy. Pwus, fwex tape's powewfuw adhesive iws so stwong, iwt even wowks undewwatew! now uwu cawn wepaiw weaks in poows awnd spas without dwaining thewm. Fwex tape iws pewfect fow mawine, outdoow awnd camping geaw, even make emewgency wepaiws own aiw mattwesses awnd infwatabwes! fwex tape iws supew stwong. Awnd once iwt's own, iwt howds own tight. Big stowms cawn cause big damage, but fwex tape cowmes supew wide, so uwu cawn easiwy patch wawge howds. Tuwu show uwu the powew of fwex tape, i sawed thiws boat in hawf! awnd wepaiwed iwt with onwy fwex tape! nowt onwy does fwex tape's powewfuw adhesive howd the boat togethew, but iwt cweates a supew stwong watew tight seaw! so the inside iws compwetewy dwy! yee doggie! patch, bond, seaw awnd wepaiw. Imagine evewything uwu couwd duwu with the powew of fwex tape!

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: sup guys.

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