*he looked down, quiet for a second, and then looked back up* I know you do...I can basically feel it. I know how it is, I know how much it sucks ass....And I`m sorry you have to go through this, it`s not pleasant in the least...But you`ll have to let go sometime, y`know? Maybe not now, maybe now in 3 or 10 years...But you have to let go sometime...

*he looked down, quiet for a second, and then looked back up* I know you do...I can basically feel it. I know how it is, I know how much it sucks ass....And I`m sorry you have to go through this, it`s not pleasant in the least...But you`ll have to let go sometime, y`know? Maybe not now, maybe now in 3 or 10 years...But you have to let go sometime...

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Description: Classic!Boarder (PAM Version) | Edited by Boarderline263 | HP: 0.1 | ATK: 999 | DEF: 2 | *It doesn't seem like he fights much. He seems like he just wants to have a good time. | Do not edit without permission.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Save. -Ruby

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